by Sharon Powell | Apr 16, 2019 | General
Articulation Station: This is one of my oldest apps that is still one of my favourite go-to speech apps (although I now have quite a few more). It is quite expensive to buy the whole app, but you can purchase just the sounds you need individually. For each sound there... by Sharon Powell | Jul 14, 2018 | Blog
How can you use bubbles to encourage your toddler’s language development? We use bubbles A LOT in our sessions with young children. It is a great ice breaker activity when getting to know infants and toddlers. However, they are not just a fun activity for the... by Sharon Powell | Jul 30, 2016 | Blog
Why is sharing books with your child beneficial? Even babies love books! Looking at books with your children, even from a young age, provides opportunities for developing early communication skills,such as: Joint attention Attention and Listening Vocabulary... by Sharon Powell | Feb 12, 2014 | Blog
What can I claim back for private speech therapy services? Private speech pathology services incur a fee. The fee charged will vary depending on the practice and the type of services needed. Private Health Funds You can claim rebates for speech pathology services from...